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ChainAPI identifies you through a wallet you own by way of MetaMask. ChainAPI will ask you to sign a message within MetaMask for a particular wallet account proving your ownership of the account.

During registration you will be prompted for your email address which will be linked to your ChainAPI account. When you return to ChainAPI, you'll be able to choose whether to login using your email address or by connecting with your Metamask wallet.


Existing Metamask Users

If you are an existing MetaMask user, it is recommended that you create a separate, dedicated MetaMask wallet specifically for ChainAPI using a new seed phrase.

  1. Connect: Click on the Register button to create a new account and register and email address. If you do not have MetaMask installed you will be prompted to do so.

  2. Create Wallet: (new MetaMask installations only) - If you have just installed MaskMask, it will open a web page to create or open an existing wallet. Once the new wallet is created, return to the ChainAPI landing page, refresh it and select the Register button again.

  3. Signature Request: When MetaMask opens you may be asked to select an account before the signature request prompt appears. For newly created wallets there will only be one account, the default account though others can be added. For existing wallets select which account you would like to use. Remember the account you select. You will be prompted to authorize a signature request which does not require any cryptocurrency. By signing this request, you prove ownership of the wallet account.

  4. Register Email: After the MetaMask popup closes you may be prompted for your email address if the MetaMask account you selected is not recognized by ChainAPI. ChainAPI associates your email address with your MetaMask wallet account for future communications.

An email will be sent to you asking you to confirm ownership of the email address. After performing the confirmation ChainAPI should show its Getting Started page.


On a subsequent visit to ChainAPI, you'll need to login using one of these two methods.

Login with Email

Enter the email address you confirmed during registration. An email will be sent to you containing a magic link. Click on this link to login to your account. The magic link will expire after one hour.

Connect with Metamask

When using this option, be sure to use same account that you registered with. Opening MetaMask will show you the account currently selected which is not necessarily the same account you registered with.