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This section will take you through deploying an Airnode. Multiple deployments can use the same integration if desired.

There are a few things needed before creating a deployment:

Select Deploy in the navigation bar on the left side of the page. Then click the New Deployment button. You will then be guided through the deployment process.


The deployment will use an integration you have already created to define and deploy an Airnode to a cloud provider of your choice.


Name your deployment. You won’t be able to change this after saving the deployment.


This is where you will select which integration(s) that you want to use, the version of the integration and the notes you captured during the integration associated with that version.

Cloud Provider Settings

Select the desired cloud provider and the region the Airnode should be deployed to.

Cloud provider

Select the desired cloud provider.


Select the desired region for your cloud provider.

Airnode version

The latest Airnode version will be selected by default and we recommend you leave it on the latest version unless you have a specific reason to select an older version.


Here you will define which networks (chains) the Airnode will respond to.


These are the chains that process actual transactions.


These are test networks that can be used for testing your deployment and integrations.


Here you will see all the networks (chains) that are supported and your Airnode will respond to.

Public Providers

These are publicly available RPC URLs that provide access to the blockchain network. There is no cost while using them.

User Provided

These are private RPC URLs, controlled either by yourself or a blockchain provider, that provide access to the blockchain network.


Authorizer contracts allow you to specify which smart contracts can make requests to your Airnode’s endpoints.

Public authorizers allow any smart contract to make requests to your Airnode’s endpoints.

Restricted authorizers only allow smart contract addresses that have been granted access to make requests to your Airnode’s endpoints.

To learn more about authorizers, check out the API3 docs.

Review Configuration

Review the deployment configuration before continuing. Go back to make changes if needed.

Download and Deploy

Here you will download the required deployment files to perform final editing of the required secrets.

Concurrency Warning

Complete one deployment at a time. Starting multiple, simultaneous deployments will fail and need to be removed manually through your cloud provider’s web interface.

Download Files and Edit

These files are needed to deploy your Airnode.

Follow the instructions in the README to update the other files with configuration details required for your specific setup.

Deploy with Docker

Copy and paste the relevant command based on your operating system to your terminal at the directory with your config.json and secrets.env files.

Finish Deployment

Click on the Finish Deployment button after you have completed the deployment. This will take you to your list of deployments and display their statuses.

Check status

Once your deployment is completed, it will take a few minutes for the status to update to either Active or Timed Out.

If your deployment is Active, that means that we have received the Airnode heartbeat and your Airnode is Active.

If it’s Timed Out, something went wrong and you should start by checking the troubleshooting below, and check docker for any errors during deployment.

Deployment Status and Lifecycle

These are the possible deployment statuses you might see and what they mean.

Status Description
Deploying You have finished a new deployment and we are now waiting to receive a heartbeat from your Airnode
Active We are receiving a heartbeat from your Airnode
Deactivating You clicked Deactivate on your active deployment. Once you have run the command to deactivate your Airnode then:
1. If successful your deployment becomes Inactive
2. If unsuccessful we will receive a heartbeat which will make your deployment Active
Inactive There are two scenarios for this status:
1. You started a deployment and clicked Save for later
2. You clicked Deactivate on your active deployment, ran the command to deactivate your Airnode and we stopped receiving heartbeats
Timed out We have not received a heartbeat for a Deploying or Active deployment


Deployment status lifecycle diagram


Editing an active deployment will create a sub-deployment with a new heartbeat ID. This sub-deployment will replace your main deployment once its status is Active.


Please check if you have met all these prerequisites for your deployment:

  1. You have Docker installed
  2. You have a cloud provider account (AWS or GCP) with the provider you selected under the Cloud Provider Settings on the Settings and Networks page
  3. You have blockchain provider account(s) for each of the number of providers you selected under the Networks section on the Settings and Networks page
  4. You have populated the secrets.env file with all the requested variables

If you have met all the above, and you still have problems, please reach out to with a description of the problem you are facing and any error messages you are seeing in the command.